
How to Build Your Business through ITMA Expertise

  /  How to Build Your Business through ITMA Expertise

ITMA International Editors/Publishers serve as an expert team, to share knowledge, editorial content, breaking news, and to share trade and industry resources and connections. The team members are engaged on a daily basis with their industries and have input and access to information, resources and insights on the toys, games, kids’ technology and juvenile products businesses within their regions. They are members of and participate in the leading trade associations, trade shows, conferences and contacts within their specific regions of the world. This knowledge base spans Asia, Europe, North America and Scandinavia. They are connected to the Movers and Shakers in their markets and network regularly with key stakeholders in their industries, including retailers, manufacturers, entertainment and licensing studios, trade association management, alliance and partner organizations, and so much more.

Why not connect with our member publications today, to extend the awareness and out-reach of your products and services into these influential markets today. You can participate as an editorial partner or with an advertising campaign, to boost your recognition in these markets. Our Editors and Publishers can provide core advice and targeted and personalized programs, with proven tools to build your brands and services to the B2B key stakeholders, in their regions. See the members page to contact individual ITMA Publication contacts today.

ITMA Member publications have access to the team of International Editors/Publishers who serve as a group platform team, to share articles, knowledge, trade and industry resources and connections. The team members are engaged on a daily basis with their industries and have input and access to information, resources and insights on the toys, games, kids’ technology and juvenile products businesses within their regions. They are members of and participate in the leading trade associations, trade shows, conferences and contacts within their specific regions of the world. This knowledge base spans Asia, Europe, North America and Scandinavia. They are connected to the Movers and Shakers in their markets and network regularly with key stakeholders in their industries, including retailers, manufacturers, entertainment and licensing studios, trade association management, alliance and partner organizations.

Contact US:

Go to the Members Tab, and reach out to individual leading ITMA Publication country-specific contacts for your personalized proposals, OR

Contact either of the Co-Presidents of ITMA: Lena Hedo or Reyne Rice, for more information.

Lena Hedö, lena@lekobaby.se  +46 (0)8 508 938 17

Reyne Rice, Reyne@ReyneRice.com   +1 631 335 5917